We Help Product and Marketing teams 10x the value of their research 


Capture and keep more customers—with the tools and team you already have.


We teach your teams to do three things exceptionally well. 

(Hint: When they do these things, everyone becomes better at their job and making better decisions becomes easy.)

Collect Evidence.

Collect and interrogate evidence like a detective.

Build a Case.

Build a defensible business case like a trial attorney.


Communicate with the confidence of a primetime news anchor.

If your business isn’t growing, it’s dying.

To achieve business growth, capturing and retaining customers is non-negotiable. Your company's success hinges on your ability to create a customer base that is loyal and expanding. And, as they say, it takes a village. Get everyone in your business on the same page regarding customer, user, and buyer insights.


Growth opportunities already exist in your business—if only we can get your teams communicating.


Capture more customers by winning more deals.

The evidence that your sales team needs to win more deals is right in front of you. You just need to know where to look. Let's supercharge your sales enablement strategy.

Keep customers happy and coming back for more.

It isn’t a mystery where to find the information your customer success team needs to retain customers and expand existing business. Let's stop churn before it happens.

Identify problems and opportunities in your funnel.

Are customers escaping from your funnel? The intelligence you need to optimize your sales funnel is readily accessible. Let's capture and keep more customers.


I'm Ari Zelmanow

I’m a retired police detective turned business growth detective. But now, rather than using forensic techniques to catch criminals, I use them to help you catch customers.


"Ari does a tremendous job at articulating how research can bring value to a business when done the right way."

- Haley Rabiu

"Great for advanced researchers and leaders who need to brush up on the basics and for newbies who need to level up quickly. The Influential Researcher will get you closer to speaking the language of business and mapping your work to what the business cares about."

- Brian Ashbaugh

"I just want to tell you that this might be the best research course I've ever taken. It's a totally new perspective you are teaching and I love it. I feel like this is what has been missing from my research education, how to bridge the gap between business needs and research."

- Funmilayo Obasa

Customer Forensics

Here are just a few of the ways we can help you sharpen your competitive edge, enhance your ability to identify and seize new opportunities, manage risk more effectively, and drive sustainable growth and profitability for your business.


We also offer tailored corporate training options.

We work 1:1 with your team—and provide ongoing support in implementation—to deliver The Influential Researcher training to transform your company into a true learning organization. Fill out the form to inquire further.


Customer Forensics.

Collect the Evidence

We use the SIMPLE Investigation Method to collect and interrogate the evidence.


Develop a Case Theory

We develop a working case theory and point of view (POV) from evidence.


Communicate With Confidence

We present a business case in a way that wins your audience's hearts and minds.


Are you ready to make smarter growth bets? 

LFG 🚀 (Let's F*cking Grow)

Not quite ready to jump in with both feet?



Write Headlines That Get Business Partners to Actually Open and Read Your Research Reports

If a report is delivered, and nobody reads it, does it matter?


Get ready to discover how forensic analysis techniques can help your team make smarter growth bets with confidence.

There were three skills I learned as a police detective that drove the success of building and closing cases—and putting guilty people behind bars:

Read on
The Right Hand Blog

I am not uncertain.

Customer and buyer research are The Right Hand of the businesses they serve. Take your rightful place. Don’t just deliver data. Don’t just deliver insights. Deliver counsel. Tips and tricks delivered to your inbox weekly.

Revolutionizing Research with the Moneyball Strategy

Jan 14, 2024

Don't Get False Confessions From Customer Interviews

Jan 06, 2024


Inside the mind of a detective.

Weekly tips and tricks that show you how to Think Like a Detective to uncover better insights—from a REAL-LIFE detective turned market detective.

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