The Think Like a Detective Blog

Weekly tips and tricks that show you how to Think Like a Detective to uncover better insights—from a REAL-LIFE detective turned market detective.

Insights Without Borders: Transform Your Research Team into Investigative Journalists May 26, 2024

It is time to reimagine what a customer insights function could be.

Insights functions are not all they can be.

Insights teams should be one of the most valuable functions in a business.

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Becoming the Consigliere Through the Doctrine of Completed Staff Work Mar 30, 2024

If you want to be treated like a consigliere, you must act like a consigliere.

A consigliere is an advisor who helps guide major decisions without being in a formal position of authority.


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Fragmentation to Focus: Integrating Research into Competitive Intelligence Feb 25, 2024

 I was a paramedic for a few years after graduating from college.

One of the things I was trained to do was treat life threats first.

For example, you don’t splint a broken arm if...

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Prescription Without Diagnosis is Malpractice - in Both Medicine and Research Feb 17, 2024

I was a paramedic when I graduated from college.

Kinda like Nicholas Cage in the Martin Scorcese film, Bringing Out the Dead.

I learned something important.

Prescription, without diagnosis, is...

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Revolutionizing Research with the Moneyball Strategy Jan 14, 2024

Does Research move too slowly for Product or Marketing?

It's undoubtedly a complaint we hear a lot.

I addressed these concerns with a new approach to Research—one grounded in the approach...

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Don't Get False Confessions From Customer Interviews Jan 06, 2024

The year is 1992.

Beverly Monroe, a single mother of three children, is accused of murder.

Monroe discovered her boyfriend’s body at his home, sitting on his couch, with a bullet wound to his...

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